A Biotech Company Producing Health and Wellness Products from specialised marine gels
Unique Fast Working
Pure Moisture

Margaret Holloway, Director of Business
Before establishing Nemidon Gels, Margaret initially trained as a registered nurse, specialising in coronary care and leading a ward. After several years of juggling the work as a nurse and raising four children, she moved to Wellington and began studying Science at Victoria University . This study led to her working with Crop Research, focusing on growing Lavender oil in New Zealand. This work nurtured her passion and interest in how to grow good crops to provide high quality essential oils.
This passion guided her to realising the best way to maximise her skills was in creating added value products. However, knowing that the cosmetic industry was saturated, she focused on health associated topical applications and teamed up with Dr Ian Miller, a world- leading expert in seaweed colloids to develop the concept which is now Nemidon.

Dr Ian Miller, Director of Science and Innovation
Ian is an Industrial Scientist with over 50 years’ experience as a practising researcher (counting PhD) and Company Director. He holds a PhD from Canterbury University, and has been a Director of ICI Synchem Ltd and ICI Biocol Ltd.
A Fellow of Cambridge University, Ian has also completed economic analysis on various biomass processing options and published more than 100 referred articles. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry United Kingdom, a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute Chemistry, a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Royal Society of New Zealand, The Planetary Society, New York and the Academy of Sciences. He has also won the Shell Prize for Industrial Chemistry in 1988 and was an Editorial Board Member of the Botanica Marina.

Doug Holloway, Director Legal Counsel
Doug is a highly experienced lawyer who began his career in Southland, New Zealand. He has been a partner of Welsh McCarthy in Taranaki and a solicitor at Watts & Patterson in Wellington to the late Justice John Rabone and a solicitor at Young Swan Morrison, McKay to the late Justice Richard Heron. He is currently the Principal of law firm Doug Holloway, Barrister & Solicitor specialisng in tribunal law. Doug holds a BA (University of Canterbury) and an LLB (University of Otago).
As well as practising law, Doug also introduced Kyokushin Karate to New Zealand in 1965 and founded dojos nationwide while training thousands of New Zealanders and helping underprivileged to bring focus to their lives through sport. Doug was inducted into the World Karate Union Hall of Fame in 2002.
Now a Eigth Dan, Doug is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Mas Oyama, Kyokushin Karate New Zealand.
Nemidon Limited is a biotech company that specializes in researching the properties of seaweeds for their unique medical and cosmetic uses. Nemidon Gels are world-leading in, patented products that have been scientifically proven to assist in relieving both people and animals suffering from dry skin, joint and muscle discomfort.
Established in New Zealand, Nemidon has researched and developed a range of specialised seaweed gel products tailored for both human and animal use.
Nemidon Gels are truly unique in how they have been developed and how they perform. We have invested years of research into ensuring our products meet the highest standards for retail and medical use. Not only are they proven to be effective, they are also recognised internationally by medical and sports professionals at the top of their field. Our products are used and endorsed by world-class sportspeople, health professionals, diabetes patients, and the various uses by a cross section of people in their day to day care